Monday 30 November 2009

Account of first production group meeting

For our first group meeting, we all agreed to make a story of a female character kills a male character in terms of challenging the stereotypical of view. We were sure that we need a picture or a painting to create a mysterious and scary atmosphere and that was the famous painting of ‘munch’. In fact, we changed our story after the first talk because the scene of sex is banned for any films that we produce. Therefore we had to think of something else that does not involve any sex, but sexy scene. Then we had our second idea after watching the trailer American Psycho, which is Succubus. We still wanted the munch painting on the wall in the corridor in order to tell the audience that this is a horror and thriller film. However, we had some key images in our minds such as the shot of the dark corridor and the shot of the shower before the killer goes into bathroom.
For casting, we decided to have Josh Jackson as he suits the male character in our film. The only one we have been arguing about was the female character and we recognised that Chloe Robert who is in our group would be the one, she also had lots of time instead of asking someone who is not in our group and she might not be bothered of losing her own time.

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